Health and Safety Policy, Roots Allotments - Tuckers Meadow

This policy applies to all activities on behalf of Roots Allotment.

Statement of Intent
Roots Allotment recognise the importance of a high standard of health and safety. We are committed to providing a safe environment for all persons on the site. This includes our employees, plot holders, contractors, visitors, and all those that may be affected by our work activities.

Under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, we will take all reasonable measures to secure the health, safety and welfare of people working on the farm. We will also conduct our undertakings in such a way as to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that other persons (not in our employment) are not exposed to risks to their health and safety.

Creating a safe and healthy environment is a collective task shared between the company and all others working on or visiting the farm.
This policy applies to all persons using the site, whether an employee, plot holder, a contractor, or any visitors to the site.

Responsibilities of Roots Allotment:
• Conduct regular health and safety reviews of the site to identify and control risks.
• Ensure all employees, plot holders, contractors and visitors receive a suitable induction on to the site.
• Provide a safe site with suitable equipment.
• Provide a safe access, egress, and travel route on the site for vehicles and persons to move safely.
• Organise emergency procedures that can be used in an unplanned event, such as fire or medical emergency.
• Communicate all health and safety policies and procedures to relevant persons.

Responsibilities of the Plot Holders:
• Take reasonable care of your own health, safety, and well-being.
• Take reasonable care to not put others at risk, including fellow plot holders and members of the public.
• Cooperate and work with Roots Allotment to ensure you understand and follow health and safety measures.
• Not to interfere or misuse anything that has been provided for health, safety, or welfare purposes.
• Report any injuries, accidents, near misses or illnesses that have occurred on site.
• Follow all instructions and advice given in the interest of health and safety.
• Express any concerns regarding the health, safety or welfare of yourself or others at work as soon as possible.

Responsibilities of the Contractors:
• Follow the information and instructions provided by Roots Allotment and by safety notices, such a signage on the site.
• Cooperate with the Roots Allotment and report any problems or concerns as soon as possible.
• Cooperate with other people whom are on the premises.• Control the use of own equipment and work activities, in compliance with all industry rules and legislation.
• Care for the health and safety of yourself and other persons who may be affected by your activities.
• Not to misuse or interfere with any items provided by the partnership, especially in the interest of safety.

1. Health and Safety Risk Management
We will conduct regular health and safety reviews both internal and external. These will be carried out when significant changes have taken place or on an annual basis.

2. Consultation with Others
We encourage all plot holders, contractors, and visitors to speak openly on health and safety matters on the site.

3. Safe Environment
We will take all reasonable measures to ensure that the farm site is safe and without risk to health. We will maintain any workplace or equipment, under our control, in a healthy and safe condition.

Review and Updating
This policy will be reviewed and updated on at least and annual basis. It may be amended at anytime and updated information will be circulated to relevant persons. A copy of the policy will always be available.

We welcome any feedback.
William Gay – 07715 991 635
Ed Morrison - 07494 272 161