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Static Composter

£ 14.99 
This is the easiest way to compost. You'll be able to capture more carbon by recycling non-cooked food waste and cardboard, instead of sending it to recycling where it inevitably ends up not being used properly. On top of this you'll start to create the perfect conditions for good microbes to bread and spread beyond the compost bin and into your veggie growing patch. What you'll get: - Long lasting fencing c.3.2meters in length x 1meter in height - 3 x re-usable gripples for fastening/unfastening top, middle and bottom
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This will be put straight on your patch within 3-5 working days

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Static Composter

£ 14.99 
This is the easiest way to compost. You'll be able to capture more carbon by recycling non-cooked food waste and cardboard, instead of sending it to recycling where it inevitably ends up not being used properly. On top of this you'll start to create the perfect conditions for good microbes to bread and spread beyond the compost bin and into your veggie growing patch. What you'll get: - Long lasting fencing c.3.2meters in length x 1meter in height - 3 x re-usable gripples for fastening/unfastening top, middle and bottom
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Product Description
Service Description

This is the easiest way to compost. You'll be able to capture more carbon by recycling non-cooked food waste and cardboard, instead of sending it to recycling where it inevitably ends up not being used properly. On top of this you'll start to create the perfect conditions for good microbes to bread and spread beyond the compost bin and into your veggie growing patch. What you'll get: - Long lasting fencing c.3.2meters in length x 1meter in height - 3 x re-usable gripples for fastening/unfastening top, middle and bottom


This will be put straight on your patch within 3-5 working days

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