
Here are the best ways to plant and space your carrots!

Charles suggests to always direct sow, if you do sow plugs for carrots you'll likely disturb the tap root. The issue with carrot seeds is though that they are small and a lot of things like to eat them, sometimes it's better to sow slightly later to avoid slugs.

Drag and pull your dibber leaving 22 - 30cm between rows - but really it's however you like to do it! To mark your rows here’s a tip to drop a couple of radishes between or in the same drill every 1-2 cm - this way you’ll be able to see where your carrots are sown! After you've sown them, brush the compost back over the seeds. Firm down by standing over the drills to firm up the soil

The more space you give the bigger the carrots but that does then give more space to weeds, so do watch out for that!

It's a good idea to thin your carrots out as they get a bit bigger, to give the smaller ones a chance to grow. Keep on top of any weeds and then start to manage their density by thinning.

Reminder that the whole of the carrot can be used, as the tops make for a great carrot pesto!

Step 15
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