Celery and Celeriac

Celery – Apium graveolens
Celeriac – Apium graveolens var. rapaceum
Leaf celery – Apium graveolens var. secalinum

Both celery and celeriac are in the same Apiaceae, or parsley and carrot family, and have the same species name. Their cultural needs are similar, but for a very different outcome.

  • Celery is a tight stalk, 40–60 cm/16–24 in high, bred for its stems from wild celery which is taller and thinner, its stems more fibrous. Wild celery is valued for leaves and seeds.
  • Celeriac has been selectively bred from celery to achieve its swollen root. Sometimes it’s called root or turnip-rooted celery, but there is no relationship to turnip.
  • Leaf or Chinese celery has thinner stems and a strong taste and smell. Its leaves, and sometimes stems, are used in soups and stews.

A head or plant of celery comprises many edible stalks and leaves.

The harvested root of celeriac is a bulbous hypocotyl, a swollen portion of root just above the main root system. This is similar to carrots and beetroot but not potatoes, which are tubers.

1st November, with autumn lettuce and celeriac – the latter has a little Septoria disease, but not too much, see ‘Diseases’ below
With a selection of celery on 6th August – Victoria and Hadrian, from a March sowing
Harvesting celeriac, with wood blewit mushrooms attached; we ate these mushrooms, which had grown from woody bits in my compost


Widely acknowledged for its health benefits, celery is even juiced to extract more of the goodness. I understand the reasoning but feel that this is a waste of valuable fibres! Chopped, homegrown celery stalks add wonderful flavour and texture, to salads in particular.

  • Homegrown celery is high in cellulose or fibre, and needs a lot of chewing. The fibres are softened by cooking, and you can also use the leaves when making stock.
  • Bought celery has usually been grown with synthetic fertilisers and maximum amounts of water to increase growth. The look is impressive and the texture is tender, but the flavour is less strong.

I value my celery a lot and miss it in winter and spring. But that is the joy of eating seasonally, how one values food far more when it’s naturally available. Plus it offers the nutrition we need at that time of year, and the microbes too.

Victoria celery in late June, from sowing in mid-March, and very little slug damage
Granada celery on 28th November – this was a second sowing of 2nd June, transplanted between carrot plants where there were gaps from poor emergence


The dense roots are full of goodness and store well through winter, even into the hungry gap. They taste great in salads, grated or chopped small.

There’s a lot of flavour in a small amount of homegrown celeriac. Keep a large one in the kitchen, because even after cutting bits off they are good to use for over two weeks.

  • You can also eat celeriac leaves, but they are extremely fibrous, except for the newest ones in the middle. Best use is to make stock or perhaps soup.
4th July – you can see celeriac interplanted in this bed by the peas, which now have mildew
11th July – a week later, the pea plants have been cleared; you can see many plantings that were already in there, including the celeriac
By 18th October you can see significant growth of the celeriac and leeks; in November, these celeriac plants returned 3.5 kg/7.7 lb from five roots

Pattern of growth

These plants are biennial, so they will not flower in the first year and just continue growing. Celery stalks, however, from the first sowing in early spring, become more fibrous by late summer.  In autumn, celery is more tender from the second sowing in late spring.

If a celery root system or celeriac root is left in the ground through winter and survives frost plus the damp, it will make flowering stalks through spring.

Celery seed is a valuable spice and this would be harvestable in late summer, one or two months after flowering finishes.

Suitable for containers/shade?

They can be grown in shade.

Celery is the most worthwhile for containers since it needs less space than celeriac. Always beware of slugs, perhaps hiding under pots.

Types of celery
Sow and propagate part one
Sow and propagate part two
Leaf Removal
Harvest times and methods part one
Harvest times and methods part two
Potential problems
Step 15
Step 15

Follow with:

Summer celery can be followed with spinach, chard, salads and pak choi.

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