Cucumbers, Cordon and Ridge

Cucumis sativus, Cucurbitaceae family

From their origins in the Himalayan foothills, cucumbers are now grown and appreciated all over the world. There is a range of cucumber types and this lesson does not comprehensively cover all of them.

I concentrate on what some call the European or English cucumber. They grow best in warmth above about 21 °C/70 °F of an afternoon, and they need support.

Because they are grown vertically, I refer to them here as cordon cucumbers. The fruits have a soft skin and some seeds. They are harvested before the flesh becomes fibrous, when the cucumbers are 30–40 cm/12–16 in long.

Cucumbers can be sliced and diced for salads, and pickled to eat later. They come in a range of lengths, giving you many choices when choosing seed. The smallest are gherkins – prickly skinned mini cucumbers that pickle well.

  • Another variation is fruits of the Mexican sour gherkin which are colloquially called ‘cucamelon’ (Melothria scabra). They are harvested at grape size and look like mini watermelons, hence the name.

I was disappointed when growing them because, from a large and leafy plant, the fruits were hard to find for just a small harvest. The flavour is not as described in the seed catalogue, being more sour than delicious, and fruits are best pickled.

  • Something different and highly worthwhile, though not edible, is loofa, ‘vegetable sponge’ (Luffa aegyptiaca).

Grow them in the same way as cordon cucumbers, trained up a string – the photo below gives you an idea of harvest. One plant gave me four loofa of decent size, in the polytunnel. In a temperate climate I would not grow them outside, because they are of subtropical or tropical origin. See this YouTube video: Peeling a loofa.

Mid-August – there’s just one plant generating a lot of leaves and just a few cucamelons
You can grow loofah in the same way as cordon cucumbers – these were harvested on 6th October in the polytunnel, from one plant growing up a string
Peeling a loofah three weeks after the harvest so it’s drier inside – also because it was soaked overnight in water

Why grow them

Feedback from my customers in the local town of Bruton suggests there is little flavour in cucumbers available in most supermarkets. My customers say things like, ‘These cucumbers taste just like they used to!’

Homegrown cucumbers have a fuller and richer flavour, and they are sweeter and juicier from being fresh.

  • Plants are just so productive. From one sowing, you can harvest up to 10 kg/22 lb of cucumbers from one ridge plant, over a six to eight week period. While cordon plants crop for over three months, giving 30–40 large cucumbers.

Cucumbers you may be buying

Commercial growing is mass production, of high volumes at low prices. My ‘premium price’ of £1 wholesale for a long cordon cucumber, compares to the standard 70p wholesale price. For a small-scale producer, even £1 for a large and graded fruit barely covers the time needed to grow them, let alone the costs.

  • Like most vegetables now, mass-produced cucumbers are grown in soil with not much life.
  • Many are not even grown in soil. A common method for under cover production is hydroponic, with roots grown in media such as rock wool.
  • Rock wool is manufactured from basalt rock and slag, a waste product from the production of steel and copper.
  • A computer-controlled pump pushes water and a programmed, varying collection of nutrients to roots in the rock wool.

If you believe that food is just a collection of nutrients, then you won’t mind eating vegetables grown hydroponically. Many tomatoes are also grown in this way.

However, I suspect that a big deficiency in hydroponic harvests, which has not been mentioned until recently, is of microbes – tiny life organisms that vegetables automatically collect from the soil they grow in. Plus micronutrients and complex organic minerals that we know little or nothing about – partly because science cannot measure them, has not tried to, or does not mention – such as polyphenols and other antioxidants.

  • With no dig soil, the count of healthy microbes is increased, which probably affects the flavour as well.
  • Having said that, we do not notice consistent differences between flavours of vegetables from my dig and no dig beds. They both receive a decent dose of homemade compost every year!

Suitable for containers/shade?

Shade is not ideal because cucumber plants thrive in warmth and full light, nonetheless it is possible. Container growing certainly works, as long as you keep up with watering, and to some extent feeding, especially later on. The photos below give an idea of what you can do from one pot.

  • Another option is to grow a ridge variety in a large pot, allowing enough space around the pot for the trailing stems and fruits.
16th June – these basil and cucumber lznick are starting to get going in pots in the conservatory
1st July – by now the cucumber stems were running out of space and light options in the conservatory
Pattern of growth
Types and varieties
Sow and propagate
Transplant, interplant part one
Transplant, interplant part two
Leaf removal part one
Leaf removal part two
Harvest times and methods
Potential problems
Step 15
Step 15

Follow with:

Following removal of under cover cucumbers, rake the surface level, water thoroughly, and then all is ready to transplant vegetables for cropping through winter.

Outdoors you may have already interplanted some vegetables. Otherwise you can follow cucumbers with any of spring onions, spring cabbage and garlic.

Mid-August – we have cut off the leaves with most mildew from this cucumber plant, which made it easier to interplant the fennel
21st September – we have had to clear cucumber plants because of downy mildew, and replaced them with transplanted fennel and dwarf French beans, for another three weeks before transplanting winter salads
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