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our story

A space and community so everyone can grow their own grub
Get to know us

why we started roots

We think our beautiful planet and the wonderful people who live on it would be happier and healthier if we grew and ate more of our own food. Roots was born to help bring your food supply into your own hands.

With waiting lists for allotments stretching to over 14 years in the UK, it's not easy for those with small or no outdoor space to grow you own food and plants. We believe everyone should be able exercise their green fingers and feed your soul some goodness.

Where it all began

4 friends looking for growth!

Over a couple of beers in Lockdown 3.0, we were reminiscing about our Bath roots in Will's tiny garden in London (yes him and Josh are twins!). He was showing off his rather small herb bed and Ed agreed that growing food helped boost his wellbeing over lockdown.

We searched for a local allotment but had to join a 25 year waiting list. We’d be retiring by the time we copped a patch! Realising it was the same story all over the UK, the idea for Roots was born.

One year later

Tuckers meadow, our first site

Coming from a farming family, Will and Josh had a meadow that wasn’t being used in Bath, Somerset. The perfect plot for our first site.

Believing in the ‘no dig’ technique, we knew we could launch Roots in the perfect location in next to no time. We built ready to plant patches, sourced community tools and bought in the experts to help build our community. Perfect for newbies, experienced growers and with no waiting lists.

Tuckers Meadow, Bath

our site ethos

Healthy people and healthy planet

Did you know that produce loses up to 30% of its nutrients within 3 days of being picked? Shop bought food is wrapped in plastic and travels hundreds (if not thousands) of miles before hitting our plate. That’s not doing us, the planet or the soil any good.

If we can all start small, then the impact is big! A no-dig allotment is a great way to start being less reliant on carbon & fossil fuel consuming food chains.

High nutrition
Less plastic

champs of no dig technique

A common, back-breaking, misconception with growing your own is the need to prepare the soil by digging, turning and forking.

Disturbing the surface kills the amazing micro-lifeforms who live in the soil and help feed your plants with good nutrients. No-dig is all about feeding the soil with great quality compost to support life underneath, reduce the amount of time spent weeding and prepping beds, require less watering and produce larger yields

Less weeding
Less watering
Larger yields